
Welcome to the Senior Caucus. Look here for information on upcoming meetings and the issues seniors care about most.

You can also help make the Senior Caucus more effective, please share your comments and ideas freely. Together seniors can lead the way.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Attention: Election of New Officers at our next meeting

At our next meeting of the Senior Caucus, we will hold our election for new officers.

As directed by our bylaws, this year our new officers must live in the northern part of California (to see Bylaws Click here). We will be electing a new Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in furthering the interests of seniors. Keep in mind that anyone interested in serving as a caucus officer will need to attend three other meetings a year. These E-Board meetings are held in different parts of the state and last three days.

Feel free to contact me for more information: (310) 536-0093 or CADemSeniorCaucus@gmail.com

I hope to see you there,

Tony Hale
Chair Senior Caucus